MRI and Ambulatory EEG Results

After a great amount of waiting patiently and many phone calls to the neurologist, we have some new information regarding Josephine’s brain.

MRI RESULTS:  As we suspected, Josephine has complete agenesis of the corpus callosum.  What does this mean?  No idea.  It depends who you ask and what research you do on what site.  What we do know is the connective tissue/fibers between the left and right brain is nonexistent.  Normally developed within the first 6-12 weeks of conception, the corpus callosum allows the right and left brain to communicate through as many as 200 million fibers.  There is another pathway this communication can occur, but there are only 50,000 fibers available in that connection.  Check out for more detailed information on disorders of the corpus callosum.  Again, what does this mean for Josephine?  She may need more therapy to help build new ways for the left and right brain to communicate.  The good news is that we have started Early Intervention already, so only improvements can be made.

AMBULATORY EEG RESULTS:  These results are less severe than the MRI, but still concerning.  Josephine has a tendency toward seizures, but did not experience a full blown seizure while hooked up to the EEG.  The neurologist, Dr. Aviva Bojko, is not prescribing any medication at this time because the EEG just showed spikes in the activity in the right and left frontal portions of the brain.  If we see any signs of seizures such as blank staring and twitching of any kind, we are asked to call the Dr. Bojko immediately.  Are these seizures connected to the agenesis?  Your answers are as good as ours.  I read that seizures are increased with complete agenesis and when having conversations with other medical professionals (a P.A. and a nutritionist), if there is no corpus callosum, seizure activity should cease.  More conflicting information…no surprise here.

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