
On November 10, 2009, Josephine went “under the knife” for the first time…scary to say the least!

While the procedure was for her tongue-tie (clinical term is Ankyloglossia) and unrelated to her disorder, the scary part was with the anesthesia.  Typically, anesthesia can hinder muscle movement and that can have severe consequences for a child with hypotonia (low muscle tone).

We consulted with the head of anesthesia regarding the drugs being used during the surgery and he administered the meds.

Our ENT (Otolaryngologist), Dr. Howard Berg, was wonderful!  Very patient, kind and understanding.

Needless to say, Josephine made it through the surgery with flying colors!  She was in the OR at 7:35 AM, in recovery by 7:50 AM and home by 9:15 AM.  She only needed one dose of Motrin for the rest of the day and has been a trooper ever since.

Now Josephine is just trying to figure out how to use her tongue again!  Way to go, Gal!

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