I Want My Moo Juice

Huge progress was made last night at dinner…

Josephine was eating a nice mix of Chicken with Broccoli and brown rice when she seemed thirsty for some milk.  After slight prompting with my fingers, Josephine proudly stated, “mmm”.  As you can imagine, excitement erupted at the table and the cup was joyfully given.

Later on, the same thing happened.  Me:  “Josephine, do you want some milk?”, followed by prompting, then Josephine: “mmmmm”.  You should have seen the smile on her face.  She knew she done good!!!!

Earlier in the week, again while eating dinner, Josephine stopped eating, looked at me, looked at the milk, looked at me again and signed our sign for milk (move fingers in a squeezing motion, like when milking a cow).

This little gal gets it!  Josephine just needs the extra time to put things together.

We know this will probably fade into the distance soon, but when it returns, it will return 3 fold.

I jokingly refer to Josephine as the “One Hit Wonder” because she will do something once and then won’t do it again for a couple of weeks or months.  But when she does it again, it is solid and clear.

We just have to realize that each milestone is a celebration, regardless how often it does or doesn’t happen.  The fact that she gets it is enough for me!

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