Plop, Plop, Fizz, Fizz…

If it were only as easy as giving Josephine TUMS to solve her reflux issue.  Alas, she is now on an OTC med (Nizatidine, generic for Axid) to stop the writhing pain she goes through with her bouts of reflux.

The visit to Dr. Sunaryo (Pediatric Gastrointerologist) was uneventful, fortunately.  Based on our description of Josephine’s symptoms, Dr. Sunaryo felt invasive testing would prove the same diagnosis, so why do tests to make Josephine more uncomfortable.  No noise from the peanut gallery on our end.

Josephine’s reflux issue comes and goes and Dr. Sunaryo said that is normal.  Some people get it all the time, while others are intermittent.  We expect her to be on this medication for many months.

I have expected this result for some time now, especially after talking with the moms of the other Tet 8p kids.  All 3 of them have reflux issues, although more severe.

So now, we are off onto another adventure in the world of special needs…I could use a vacation.

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