Words Just Rollin’ Off the Tongue

Josephine has added more words and signs to her vocabulary…every day amazes me.

New words, signs and directives are in bold green.

SPEAK:  brown bear, bird, ball, fish, woof, go, round, book, bye bye, hi, down, all done, purple, mama, dada, more, milk, cookie, tickle, again, apple, bus, open, up, stop, kick, yeah, watch, cat, shh, eye, boo, quack, bubble, pop

SIGN:  all done, ball, fish, book, sleep, bye bye, dada, sheep, music, hug, kiss, bird, bear, read, eat, more, milk, cookie, change, diaper, again, apple, up, Grammy, hungry, stop, shh, bubble

Directives:  Give Me, Turn Page, Give Kiss

Watch the video for a glimpse of her language development. You should be able to catch “up” and “down” in there somewhere.

She is perfect!  Enough said.

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