Weight Check at 2 Years Old!

I have always said slow and steady wins the race.  Josephine agrees!

J-Bean is now 18 lbs., 11 ounces and 32 inches tall.

She has gained 6 ounces in 2 months.  Again, it’s a step forward, however small it may be.

You may notice the height number stayed the same.  I assure you J-Bean has grown!  She has outgrown her 12 month pants.  So, I am assuming there was a measurement error in July.

Both the GI Doc and the Pediatrician measured the same.

Keep on goin’, GIRL!!!

The Next Van Gogh

When Josephine was first introduced to the world of Crayola, she would have preferred to remain unaware.  The sight of crayons made her gag and she would scream and hurl them as far away from her as she could get them.

As you can see in this video, Josephine is now able to hold crayons, play with them and even draw with them.  I attribute this progress to the brushing protocol we have been doing daily.  Josephine is less hypersensitive to the texture of the crayon. She is more aware of herself and her surroundings and the fear of the unknown is slowly dwindling.

It’s Cider Mill Time!

Ahhhhh! The smell of the country, apple pie, cider doughnuts and crisp breezes. Yes, it’s our annual Labor Day visit to Hacklebarney Cider Mill (www.njcidermill.com)and Alstede Farms (http://www.alstedefarms.com/) in Chester, NJ.

Highly recommended, but don’t tell too many people. It’s our little piece of secret heaven stashed away in Morris County.

What’s a Car Do?

After crawling to her toys, Josephine revels in the joy of playing with her car. She loves these Disney/Pixar Cars movie cars. Can’t get enough.

Josephine is starting to cognitively associate a sound and movement to an object.

Keep an ear out for “beep beep” at :14 and “vroom vroom” at :17. You may need to turn the volume to hear, but it’s there!

A Scooty Booty

When a typical child hits milestones, the parents are proud and excited.

When a child with special needs hits those same milestones, the pride, excitement and rejoicing are heightened 12 times!  100 times!  “To infinity and beyond!”

Toddler-hood has taken over the Senek household!  Mischief, messiness, dog food stealing.  I LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF IT!  I never imagined baby proofing would be so welcomed in our house.

I think these pictures speak for themselves.


Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Ah, the life of a mother!  Makes me want to pull out my hair sometimes…

Only this time, my daughter has done it for me.  And it’s her own hair.

While visiting in Ohio for a high school reunion, I received news that my Great Uncle George passed away.  So our plans changed and The Sheldons returned to New Jersey without us gals.  That’s when the trouble began…

It seems continuity and familiarity are a rather big deal to a rather small little girl.  Josephine was all out of sorts and wasn’t comfortable with her surroundings for a longer period of time than expected.  She loves visiting Grammy and Grampy, but she didn’t have HER toys, HER room, HER bed, HER house and it was all too much for her to handle.

The result:  hair pulling.  Large amounts of hair pulling.  One clump here, one clump there.  One day, Josephine had pulled out as many as 5 clumps.  The picture below shows the end result of Josephine’s new do.Great idea for an 80’s party or if you want to be Rhianna for Halloween.  Otherwise, our girl looked like a cancer patient going through chemo.  Very scary to see and hard to take.

Josephine had never had a hair cut and I was so excited about the idea of flowing locks of beauty to brush daily and tie up in cute bows and clips.

Let me tell you…you quickly realize what really matters in life when something like this becomes a concern.  What’s more important?  Pretty hair or the safety and well-being of your child?  You would be surprised to hear my answer.  I was actually struggling with what to do.

I didn’t mind cutting Josephine’s hair, but I didn’t like that I no longer had the choice to do or not to do.  Below is Josephine’s new style.

Cute, yes.  What I wanted for her, no.  But what I want doesn’t matter.  It just doesn’t.  Josephine’s safety and happiness matter.

I can live with that.