Josephine amazed me today and brought tears to my eyes, cheeks, the floor, etc…

While Carrie (our speech therapist) was holding Josephine and saying goodbye after her session, Josephine looked me straight in the eye and said,


It was the most beautiful sound.  It still rings brilliantly in my ears!

If I wouldn’t have heard it for myself, I wouldn’t have believed it.  And I have a witness.

To hear my little girl’s voice in such a way, words cannot begin to describe.

True beauty!

Weight Check at 18 Months

Josephine had her 18 month check up today – no shots required for this trip, so she was a happy camper!

She gained 6.5 ounces since her last check 1 month ago. Josephine’s stats are now 16 lbs, 11.5 ounces and 30 3/4 inches tall.  Her head is still on the small side (17.5 inches around), but maintaining at the 10th percentile.


To Our Insurance Company…REALLY??????

OK…I have to get this off my chest…many of my friends/family/therapists are saying, “Be happy.  You’ve been approved.  Josephine is getting her specialized stroller.”

But I can’t.  The next question is, “Why?”.


I can’t get over the fact that Oxford has NO idea who Josephine is, or care for that matter.

They denied her authorization for the Kimba stroller the first time, claiming a typical stroller suits her just fine.  Yet, they have no knowledge on which to base this decision.  We submitted genetic test results and a wonderful letter written by our PT and to that they say, “Coverage for specialized strollers for infants and toddlers under the age of 3, whose transportation needs can be adequately served by regular strollers, are not a covered benefit under your health plan”.

So we appeal with another letter, this time written by Sheldon and I (mostly Sheldon).  Low and behold…APPROVAL!  We have had our faith restored in the insurance company.  Funny thing though.  I noticed the approval is based on a pediatric “wheelchair” description.  That’s odd, I think to myself.  But dismiss it because WE GOT THE STROLLER!  That should be the end of things…but it’s not.

3 days later, I get another letter from Oxford, stating, “We have considered the information submitted in support of your appeal.  The denial remains upheld as not a covered benefit under the health plan.  The Medical Director/Consultant who participated in this appeal review is a physician who specializes in Internal Medicine”.

Confused?  So was I.  Until I called Allcare Medical.  My heroes!  When the first denial came through, Allcare Medical resubmitted our request as a “pediatric wheelchair” instead of “stroller”.  Thank God for Allcare!  They know how to work the system and get what they want and what the patient needs.

But what gets me is who the heck is this Internist that denied the appeal?  Why an Internist?  Shouldn’t the decision be made by a Developmental Pediatrician or at least a Pediatrician, at the least?  RIDICULOUS!

And what about the semantics of “stroller” vs. “wheelchair”?  ARE YOU KIDDING ME?  All we had to ask for was a wheelchair and we wouldn’t have wasted so much time trying to get approval for a stroller…REALLY??!!!

So much for trying to do things the right way.  I continue to be amazed by all the work that is expected of us as parents of a child with special needs in order to get what we can for Josephine.  As if we don’t have enough on our plates:  you want us to write letters, jump through hoops, run around from place to place and still not get what we need and a deserve?

So…my new attitude…get what you need for your little princess and screw what is right and good!  That’s the way the insurance company and government want to play…YOU GOT IT!  The battle starts NOW!

Mama…Did You Hear That? Mama!

(VIDEO) I can say Mama!!!

I have been recently introducing the sign for Mama.  I show Josephine the sign, point to myself and say the word.  I guess I started sometime last week.

Well, last night, I swear I heard her say Mama and do the sign.  I make up nothing.

Josephine was laying on her changing table and we were “talking”.  I did the sign and said the word.  Josephine looked at me straight in the eye, put her hand to her chin and said, “BaBa”.  Just like that.  Two syllables, the sign.  It was there!  Of course, being the one-hit wonder, Josephine didn’t do it again, but my heart knew what I felt.

My little girl knows who I am!!!!  An amazing moment for any parent!

The Squeaky Wheel…

GOOD NEWS!!!!  After our 1st and only appeal letter to Oxford Insurance, they have APPROVED Josephine’s special needs stroller!!!!!!!!!  I cannot tell you what I relief it is to have this approval!  I was prepared to contact our congressperson and get the ball rolling any way I could.

It seems to be the norm to deny initial requests because insurance is a business, so if they can save money, why not?  But I will assume they finally saw the necessity for Josephine to have the stroller.  Or maybe they just wanted to “test” us to make sure she really NEEDED the stroller.  Whatever reason, I will say THANKS!

Guess the wait time for the stroller is a couple of weeks…I am so looking forward to getting Josephine out and about again in a system that will actually work FOR her instead of against her.

Anyone need a nice and typical umbrella stroller????

“Mm” and “Bb” – Music to My Ears

Steady improvements are afoot in the language department.  Not only is Josephine able to sign “milk” and “eat”, she is also using sounds.  Once, twice, thrice…NICE!

I can’t even begin to explain the joy I get when Josephine “talks” to me and tells me what she wants.  It’s only two words/thoughts, but to me, Josephine is giving me the world.

She speaks, I beam.  Gotta get this on video next!

“Roll”-er Girl

It seems Josephine has taken a liking to carpet – she was rolling back and forth for 10-15 minutes at my parents’ house over the weekend.

With a larger floor space and nothing to hold her back, Josephine decided to check out her space around her…and she had a blast!  Rolling one way, getting in the prone position, rolling the other way to prone.  Again and again.

So, we now have a large area rug on our living room floor (wood floors are great to look at, but not so great when dealing with a frustrated gal who wants to move it, move it).  Josephine is still getting used to this new addition to our family, but soon enough…full speed ahead!

Red Rover, Red Rover, Let Josephine Roll Over

Good therapy session today! Josephine was rolling over (to the right, to the right), from her stomach to her back, then to her stomach again. She did this three or four times with much more ease (and without much effort) than she has done in the past.

Repetition, repetition, repetition. Getting her on all fours is not her most popular thing to do yet…but just wait!

Another thing I started to wonder about…She sometimes gets very excited and flails her hands and arms. It was when my son Sheldon was hanging on my back and wrestling with me that I looked up and she was doing this movement. When he got off, she stopped. Then he jumped on me again–and again she started to get excited. Then it hit me…maybe she is signing the word “play”–and she wants in on the fun. I will keep monitoring this.