Happy 3rd Birthday, Josephine!!!

Three years ago, you brightened our lives with your tiny smile and large spirit.

Two years ago, our world changed up again and we didn’t know what to expect or when.

One year ago, we continued to wonder, hope and dream.

Today, our dreams are coming true and our little principessa is our miracle!

You can stand on your own, slowly walk to get a toy, tell us what you want (maybe not in complete sentences, but we get ya!), laugh at silly things, shine your gorgeous smile whenever you see fish, scoot around teasing our dog and generously give tons of hugs and kisses with the most amazing warmth and love.

Thank you, Josephine Betty Joy.  Thank you for shining in our life.  For teaching us how to get through the rough patches.  For showing us the world through your beautiful brown eyes.  For being you.

I love you, Darling Jos-a-Bean!

One thought on “Happy 3rd Birthday, Josephine!!!

  1. I feel such warmth for you, your family and support and dear Josephine. Our Olivia has a 10p14 deletion. I can’t relate with you in identical numbers but I can relate with you as a parent of a child with a rare chromosome disorder. Thank you for sharing your story. I truly feel you. Olivia is 33yo and I still feel such priviledge, frustration, joy and tears throughout our journey. Peace, laughter and patience is what I send you mom.
    Love, Cathy Gross (Also a proud mom)

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