What an Amazing Day – After the Meeting of Josephine and Isabelle…6-11-12 @ 12:02 AM

I feel validated.  I feel inspired.  I feel in awe.  I feel…happy.

Josephine and Isabelle had a wonderful first day together.  I will be posting the video of their first of MANY play times for the week, so keep an eye out for it.

Since Josephine’s diagnosis in July 2010, there have been many times when I have felt alone in this journey.  No matter how many times people say they understand how I feel and no matter how patient people are with Josephine’s behavior, they can’t truly understand my heart and how it breaks throughout the day or week.

But Lori and Mike Kelley CAN understand.  And that mutual understanding brings tears to my eyes…now in fact.

When I look at Isabelle and Josephine sitting next to one another, I see a bond.  A peace.  I see Josephine in Isabelle and Isabelle in Josephine.  Same voices, same eyes, same mannerisms, same body type, same smile, same crooked index fingers.

I finally feel an acceptance and relief I have wanted for almost 3 years now.

Please don’t get me wrong and let me be clear – we have the most amazing and supportive family and friends EVER and I am extremely grateful and lucky.  We could not have gone through these last 3 years without those friends and family.  We are blessed.

And now we are blessed to have the gorgeous and supportive Kelley family in our lives for this week and, I know, for many years to come.

We share something very special and unique.  We share Tetrasomy 8p.  But most of all, we share two inspiring and adorable little girls that are taking this world and flipping it on its ear!

WAY TO GO, J-Bean and Izzy!


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