The Love Affair of Josephine and MEDEK

Get ready for the premiere of Josephine, MEDEK and Azriel: The World Tour.  Yes, folks!  After many long days and nights of wishing for more MEDEK videos, the producers of Josephine are proud to show off the stunning successes from Sessions 21-27.  PREPARE TO BE AMAZED (I know I am EVERY day)!

Session 21 (The Ramp)

Session 24 (The Balancing Thingy – the technical term)

Session 25 (The Steps)

Session 26 (Out of the Boxes INDEPENDENTLY!!)


Session 27 (Up and Down the Ramp ALL ALONE!):  I would recommend watching this one and then watching the video at the top of this post to see the fabulous progress Josephine made in 6 sessions.  Tell me this little gal isn’t INCREDIBLE!

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