Am I Blue?!

I learn something new every day with Josephine.

Daddy and Josephine were swimming nicely in the pool at Sheldon’s cousin’s house.  Josephine was kicking and having a great time.  It was a nice late afternoon, I’d say around 80 degrees.  The water temperature was 79 degrees.

After about 30 minutes, give or take a few, Josephine was ready to get out of the pool.  I dried her off and set her down to play on the deck.

That’s where the story should end…but it doesn’t.

Suddenly, I noticed Josephine’s fingers, nails, hands, feet and toes were a cool, stormy blue color!  WHAT???  Josephine was acting fine.  Energetic and playful.  But woah…BLUE?

I have to say I am proud that I didn’t over-react.  I could have, but what would that have done?  Freaked her out and freaked out those around me.

I quickly realized, as did Sheldon’s aunts, Josephine’s body temperature was way low.  We took off her bathing suit and warmed her up with dry towels and blankets.

After about 20 minutes, the pink tone started to come back and I began to relax.

Sure, it all makes sense…NOW.  But at the time, to see your baby girl in that state, was very scary.

Of course I called Dr. Owens to ask what this means.

The good news is it doesn’t appear to have anything to do with her heart or circulation.

The bad news is she can’t be in the water for more than 5 minutes at a time, unless the water temperature and outside temperature are at 98.6 or more.

Our 18 pound princess has virtually no body fat, so she can’t be insulated from the cold, mainly when submerged in water.  Dr. Owens said we can also try a wet suit to better insulate the body, but to me, taking her in and out of the water is less stressful and less difficult for Josephine.

I tell ya…this kid is teaching me more than I imagined I could or would know.

Amazing.  Josephine is amazing.