Red Rover, Red Rover, Let Josephine Roll Over

Good therapy session today! Josephine was rolling over (to the right, to the right), from her stomach to her back, then to her stomach again. She did this three or four times with much more ease (and without much effort) than she has done in the past.

Repetition, repetition, repetition. Getting her on all fours is not her most popular thing to do yet…but just wait!

Another thing I started to wonder about…She sometimes gets very excited and flails her hands and arms. It was when my son Sheldon was hanging on my back and wrestling with me that I looked up and she was doing this movement. When he got off, she stopped. Then he jumped on me again–and again she started to get excited. Then it hit me…maybe she is signing the word “play”–and she wants in on the fun. I will keep monitoring this.