“Roll”-er Girl

It seems Josephine has taken a liking to carpet – she was rolling back and forth for 10-15 minutes at my parents’ house over the weekend.

With a larger floor space and nothing to hold her back, Josephine decided to check out her space around her…and she had a blast!  Rolling one way, getting in the prone position, rolling the other way to prone.  Again and again.

So, we now have a large area rug on our living room floor (wood floors are great to look at, but not so great when dealing with a frustrated gal who wants to move it, move it).  Josephine is still getting used to this new addition to our family, but soon enough…full speed ahead!

Rollin’, Rollin’, Rollin’…

A big High 5 to Josephine – she is now rolling over to get toys she wants.  Not only does she roll once, she will roll a few times to get closer to the toy (a Little People animal or talking bear from Aunt Tracy, just to name a few).

We have also seen a glimmer of Josephine reaching forward for a toy, which is slowly resembling a transition to laying down.  This is huge because this transition will get her closer to crawling.

WAY TO GO, my Little Love Lump!